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Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum kicks off in Minsk

MINSK, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) — The Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum opened in Minsk on Tuesday, with more than 200 companies from Belarus, China, Russia and other countries participating in the forum and exhibiting their industry products, talking about cooperation in the energy and ecology fields.
Belarusian deputy prime minister Viktor Karankevich, attending the opening ceremony of the forum, pointed out that the forum is an international platform for discussing energy efficiency issues, exchanging expertise and experience, and strengthening and developing cooperation, which will help to promote the application of the latest technology and digital transformation, improve energy efficiency, reduce the burden on the environment, and promote the development of productivity.
More than 20 seminars, roundtables and other thematic activities will be organized during the forum, and the framework will include thematic exhibitions covering various industries such as fuels, ecology, energy efficiency, electricity, hydropower and wind energy, with an exhibition area of more than 8,500 square meters. The forum lasts until the 18th and is expected to attract more than 15,000 participants. Enditem.
